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Thursday, March 13, 2014


Floral Skirt: F21 - Similar Here & Here - $15  //  Brown Blouse: Modcloth - Similar Here - $30  //  Watch: K.Cole- Similar Here - $30 
Earrings: Shop Elle B - Same Here - $18  //  Maroon Heels: F21 - Similar Here - $25

 List of things that are overrated:
-Yoga: As calming and relaxing as yoga can be, there can be much better use of your time, in terms of fitness. I did however once end up in a Hatha yoga class which felt a lot more like a therapy session (not that i'm complaining) and thoroughly enjoyed it. All i'm saying is that if there isn't a "hot" or "fusion" in front of the word, you'd be better off subbing the yoga class for a latin flavored Zumba one.

-Poetry: Are we about that age when we all admit that we had absolutely no idea what any type of poetry that we read meant? I mean unless it rhymes, it's not a poem. #sorrynotsorry

-The Mona Lisa: Have you ever been to Paris? Have you waited in the ridiculously long line to get into the Louve? Only to skip all of the amazing art and follow the signs to the one painting that you really came for... and then found out its an 8.5 x 11? C'mon Da Vinci, do better. 

-Turning 21: Do I really need to explain? Unless you can rent a car legally & without obscene fees, you are not a full adult. No need for the long speeches about how this is a pivital time in your life. 

-Whole Foods: The aisles really are so small. How do people make it to the checkout without fainting of claustrophobia is the real question. Also, do you really need organic Pineapple? Try a farmer's market next time. 

Stay tuned next week on "Thoughts for Thursday" for my list of obscenely underrated things.
Linking up with Mix & Match Fashion, Everyday Fashion & Finance , Simply Just Lovely, Her & Nicole, & Vodka Infused Lemonade

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