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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mary, meet Jane...

Top: Love21, Jeans: F21, Shoes: GoJane, Earrings: Boyfriend, Watch: Hello Kitty

My New Job
Here's to being an adult. [cheers] These are the things that I have learned in my first week of work:

1. The express lane is your best friend. Paying .50 to get out of traffic is beyond worth it. 
2. Everything that you have learned in college has only gotten you through the door. You actually don't know anything in the real world, so listen- a lot
3. Make Friends

^ My desk is in an odd spot, in that it is right in front of the entrance to the floor. So I say hello to everyone, a few times a day, and when it gets awkward we just nod to each other. In an effort to make new friends I have devised a plan to make the best out of my situation. 
Cookies. I plan to keep a jar of cookies on the edge of my desk with a sign that says "Take One, I'm Delicious" With hopes that people will come by my desk more often and in turn make new friends. bribery at it's best

p.s. do you love my new shoes? I have a sudden obsession with Mary Janes, these are my first pair. Let me know what you think!
