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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life Update

I know you guys think that I probably fell off the face of this earth, rolled over, and am currently in a ditch covered in dirt. (Why else wouldn't I blog for 21 days!?) This is a partially true, no i'm kidding, it's not. The reason why I haven't been able to blog is because I have been awfully busy. Let's recap the past three weeks:

  1. Interviewing with various companies while finals are going on
  2. Getting a job
  3. Graduating from college!
  4. Celebrating in the Bahamas 
  5. New Endeavors 
The interviewing process was tedious yet rewarding. I really felt like I have learned a lot of valuable things that would be valuable to my peers, but we will get to that later. Interviewing in downtown is a hard thing to do & picking out an outfit for each day --even harder.

Yay! Getting a job! It was exciting, thrilling, and terrifying all at the same time. I knew in my gut that this was the right place, but I wanted to make sure that I wasn't rushing into things. I took a few days before I made my decision, but I am confident in it now. 

Everyone always says that "college is the best four years of your life," well, those years are over... so I guess it's all downhill from here... No way! I'm excited to be closing one chapter of my life and opening another. It will take hard work and dedication, but I am committed to being successful in my career. Isn't that was these 16 years of schooling were for? To prepare you for your dream career? I know it won't all roses and cookies, but i'm prepared for what it takes and ready to be a... (dare I say it?) an adult. 

Last week I went on my first cruise and it was all that and a bag of doughtnuts! I loved seeing Nassau, Atlantis, and Coco Cay. The islands were beautiful and the water oh-so-blue (I mean turquoise, I mean green, I mean... so pretty) The entertainment every evening was hilarious and I especially enjoyed the comedians and the "love and marriage game show." (Oh Frank and Bethany- you bad kids!) My only advice if you haven't been on a cruise before is that: yes, it moves- yes, you can feel it- yes, they have seasick medication. 

I have begun working on a few new projects aside from my actual work. I am investing in an HD camcorder to begin shooting a cooking channel with my mom on YouTube. (you guys remember this?) I also hope to do the hair and makeup tutorials that you guys keep asking me to do (I'm not avoiding you, promise!) I have also begun some freelance online marking work for a boutique in the Atlanta area and I am most excited to announce that I am starting to write a book! Well, a mini-book. It's my career guide for New Grads. I have done so much research on how to get a job, what mistakes NOT to make, which mistakes are okay to make, how to get noticed, and most of all I lived the process about a month ago. I have advice and I want to share it with you guys. Currently, the book is in a 6 part series that I plan to upload on my blog and I am hoping to get the first chapter "Resume Revamp" up in about a week. Stay Tuned!

I'm off to Alabama for 2 days, but i'll be back soon. 
Lots of love, 
