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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

WEDNESDAY WISHLIST: How To Wear Fringe This Summer

fringe, fringe for summer, fringe fashion, fringe style 2015, tassle style, tassle, tassle fashion

Ever since I spent the weekend at #SBScon, fringe has been on my mind! I had to put together a roundup of my favorite fringe / tassle pieces and I honestly cannot pick my favorite. Those Sam Edelman shoes really make it hard to setting on anything at this point. I'm so torn, which is your favorite? I chose to pick mostly accessories to show off my fringe style, how do you wear yours this season?
This post is linked up to: The Pleated Poppy  // Oh Hey Girl  //  WIWW // Style Me Weekly  //  Weekly Fashion Link Up //  Mid Week Muse // Wednesday Wear